First up, finds from Tuesday Morning. . .
Large serving tray, cracker tray and four salad/dessert plates. They look like and feel like Melamine but they're actually "EarthAware" bamboo.

Ceramic "ornament" cheese ball plate and some holiday spreaders. The plate even has a little metal hook at the top.

Wrought iron cook book stand. It fold up when not in use.

Cute cocktail napkins for whatever. I couldn't resist some of the cute sayings. The chandelier one says, "Just hanging around." The chair one says, "Nice legs." The one with the lady on it says, "I don't want a champagne flute. I want a champagne tuba." The bright pink one with the martini glass on it says, "Olive to party!" I got the longer "B" napkins to use as guest towels in our main bath.

I forgot to photograph these Xmas napkins with the others.

Back of the Xmas napkins: It was the cute golden pear that won me over.

Vintage-inspired dish towels. They're huge and are the kind that actually soak up water. Love em!

I'm not usually one for using farm animals in my kitchen decor, but these were beige and nubby like real linen and they looked a little French or something. I don't know, I just like them.

Next up, finds from Goodwill Thrift Store. . .
Cute paper plates and napkins for Cameron (they were clearance items from Target). Cuz sometimes I don't feel like doing dishes at snack time.

Two paperback mysteries. The title of the second one is cute, don't you think?

A pack of 3 beautiful nail files.

Cute basket to hold all my napkins.

And finally, a find from Home Goods. . .
The perfect little ceramic butter crock. We've been using a clear glass crock for years and I just got tired of looking at the ugly smushed butter all over the glass. With this one, you can't tell what it looks like inside until you open it, so I can keep it out on the counter instead of it hiding shamefully in a cupboard.

If you made it this far looking at all my stuff then I thank you for sharing in my joy of feathering my nest. I have more great finds to share but I didn't think you could handle it all at once so I'm saving my home decor items for Part II.